Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Ok, I know it, two songs in a row in the very same day..... OH NO... I guess you will just have to enjoy them and smile, smile, smile. I LOVE THIS SONG!!! Hope you do too!

The Launching of my new book!

Today is a momentous occasion in my life.  After 3 long years of waiting, my book "If you want to be happy, give something away," launched today!  I am truly excited and happy and know that once the message in the book gets around, many will want it for their own.    I want to share with you the press release that was sent out today from my publisher:

Lehi author features the importance of sharing

Published January 20, 2014 | By Chuck Raagas

LEHI, Utah — “If you want to be happy, give something away” is a social issues book that teaches children the art of giving. Author Kathleen Gauger exemplifies that sharing is a major key in bringing joy in everyone’s life.

The Christmas season is normally a joyous occasion, but not for Old Gentleman Gray. He was sad and lonely and had lost hope of ever feeling differently. It was Christmas Eve when he was visited by a beautiful, heavenly messenger who filled him with warmth and joy as she shared with him the secret of how to be happy.

The effect that this experience had on Old Gentleman Gray not only changed him, but was also felt throughout the village, right down to the tiniest of birdies who twittered, as if they could say, “If you want to be happy, give something away.”

Published by Tate Publishing and Enterprises, the book is available through bookstores nationwide, from the publisher at www.tatepublishing.com/bookstore, or by visiting barnesandnoble.com or amazon.com.

Gauger is an author of children’s books, and a contributing writer for family focused websites. She is also an accomplished graphic design artist, with her talents and skills featured on several popular blogs. She lives in Lehi, Utah, with her husband Dennis, has 5 married children and 13 grandchildren.

Now you know the reason behind this blog.  I have had a passion about serving others, and know from many years of experience that when we give away to others, we become as happy as those we serve.  It's a chain reaction that I want to pass on.  My book is about this very message, told in a sweet story, that is heartwarming, wholesome and is truth!  It is my message to share with the world that can really help individuals and families who struggle with challenges in life, and teach them the secret of being happy. 
The main character in this book struggled for a whole year, was sad and lonely until one day when he was about to give up, like many of us do, the secret of how to be happy was shared with him, by someone very special.  This message, lifted him to the point that he pulled himself out of his misery and rejoined life, by preparing for Christmas.  As he did so, he was given opportunities to implement this secret of happiness, and when he did, it not only lifted him, but so many others as a ripple effect was felt throughout his entire village. 
And even the little birdies twittered as if they could say, "Like old Gentleman Gray, on a Christmas day, if you want to be happy, give something away."

I hope you will take the opportunity to get your hands on one of my books, and read it and implement it's message into your own life.  If you do, you too will find a renewed sence of happiness and joy come into your life, as you focus outward, instead of inward. 
You can purchase my book from me, the author, on Amazon.  Purchase it at "Discovery Shops," and spread the word.  Here is the link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aag/main/ref=olp_merch_rating_2?ie=UTF8&asin=1625100728&isAmazonFulfilled=0&seller=A3810YE0RZDT4F