Monday, May 5, 2014

If you want to be happy give something away

I would like to introduce you to my newest book, "If you want to be happy give something away." This book first came out in November of 2013, in time for me to do a few pre-sales for Christmas, however the actual launch will be sometime in July of 2014.  I will keep you updated as I receive information from my publisher.

I actually created this blog, to introduce some ideas that went with the message of this book and that is... If you want to be happy, then you need to do something about it.  In the case of the book, Old Gentleman Gray went out and did something about it, and began a ripple effect throughout his whole village of giving, thereby bringing back his own happiness and joy, which was something that he had lost for a whole year. 

This is a heart warming story, one that will remind families of the happiness that comes through giving, and not just at Christmastime, but the whole year through.


Thursday, February 20, 2014

If you want 2 be happy, then wake up and do something more!

Have you done anything good in the world today?
Have you helped anyone in need?
Have you cheered up the sad, or made someone feel glad?
If not you have failed in deed!
Has anyone's burdon been lightened today..
Because you were willing to share?
Has the sick or the weary, been helped on their way?
When they needed your help, were you there?
THEN Wake up! and do something more,
Than dream of your mansions above.
Doing good is a pleasure, a joy beyond measure,
A blessing of goodness and love.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

If you want to be happy, forgive!

We have all heard the story from the Bible of the Prodigal Son.  If you have not read it or understand it, listen to this beautiful video, that sheds a greater light on the Good son.  It is very difficult to forgive others who have trespassed against us, who have hurt us deeply, or sinned against us, but forgiveness is what brings happiness.  There are so many stories of people who have forgiven someone who has taken the life of their child.  How could you ever forgive that, but somehow they did.  You can forgive too, and the burden of harboring hate, anger, pain, loss and all the other emotions surrounding the injury that came to you from another, can be lifted.  Your load lifted, your burden lighter, and joy and love can once again return to your heart.  I hope you will enjoy the message from this amazing video, and take it into your heart remembering, "If you want 2 be happy, then forgive!"


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

High hopes, love support and a few hugs from Tims place!

I just had to share this as my very first 2014 New Year Post.  Hey, whoever said that people with disabilities can't accomplish much in life, hasn't met this young man. He is simply amazing, and I believe he must have some pretty amazing parents behind him, to encourage and motivate but most of all support him in all that he wants to accomplish. Nobody has anything on this young man! Those who think they have nothing to contribute in life, need a shot in the arm, by watching this wonderful video. Nothing in life was ever accomplished by a defeatists attitude, but the will and desire to win, high hopes, and love and support, will rule the world, and a few hugs.

Here is tim's place website: 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Free, Printable Breakfast with Santa Invitation

I like to make people smile, because guess what... it makes me smile too and it makes me happy, so, I  wanted to share with you something that I thought some of you might want to use.  I was asked to create a Breakfast with Santa Invitation, and since I went to all this work.... others might be able to use it too.  Enjoy and hope it made you smile! 
Click on the image to enlarge, right click and save as a file on your computer, then customize and print.  (Sorry I can't don't have time to customize it for you but I know you can do it!)   Enjoy!  Katie Gauger

Thursday, November 14, 2013

It's Thanksgiving... BE THANKFUL!

We are in a fabulous season of the year.  I look out my windows at the majestic mountains, now beginning to be topped off with beautiful white snow, and still some color from the leaves, mostly fallen from the trees, and I am grateful!  I have been thinking that if I had lived about a hundred years ago, I don't know if I could have lasted very long, because we have it so much easier than they did. When the snow falls, and begins to pile up, I flip the switch to my fireplace, and settle in my recliner, to enjoy a movie feeling toasty warm.  100 years, ago, they lived in log cabins, hunted for food, and collected their water in barrels to drink.  I doubt they were ever really warm especially when they had to trudge through the snow, chop the wood, and constantly feed the fire for heat and to cook their food.

Years ago, our grandparents, had to till the ground by hand, and plant the seeds, and somehow figure out how to keep it watered, because they had to grow all of their food.  I live only about a mile and a half away from several grocery stores, and can just drive my car, not a horse or a wagon, and fill up my cart with anything I could ever imagine to eat.  There is fresh fruit to enjoy all year long, but my ancestors had to bottle, dry and preserve everything just to make it through the winter and the spring, until their crops they would plant, could begin to produce again.

We have it so good, and yet many of us still never seem to be able to find the joy in life that was intended for us. Some people never seem to be happy.  Might I suggest that perhaps instead of thinking about all of our "Have nots," we might want to focus on what we have!  Instead of constantly wishing for something that is out of our reach, maybe we should be more grateful for what is, and what we have, and enjoy the ride.

I am happily thankful and I want to share my list  of some of what I am thankful for, with you.

What I am thankful for:

1.  A loving Heavenly Father who sent us to earth to find joy.
2.  My family.  Nothing is better than family and together we are never alone.
3.  My husband, who has loved me for 37 years and counting, and sees beyond my newly deformed
     oops shaped 50+ year old body, and still says I'm the most beautiful girl in the world.
4.  My cute little shrinking Mother, who has lived through cancer, fractured discs., broken ribs from
     osteoporosis, and still wants to teach everyone how to play the violin for free.  She lost all her hair
     and it didn't grow back so she is grateful for her wigs, and that she doesn't have to style her hair
     anymore and can save on the cost of shampooing her cute little bald head.
5.  My wonderful home, where I feel peace, safety, and warm when the winds are howling outside,
     and the snow is blowing, I am protected.
6.  The wonderful vocation my husband chose so many years ago that supported our 5 children     
     until  they married, and continues to support both of us as our bodies are falling apart.  He can pay
     the doctor bills, send birthday presents to our grandkids, and still have a little left over to take me
      out to dinner, when he knows I need a break! We both have our Cpaps, and adjustable beds, have
      our bathroom closely unlike our forefathers, who carried the lantern to the outhouse.
7.  My God given talents and abilities that keep my mind actively growing and learning, to hopefully
     help ward off Alzheimer's.  (Unless somehow I forget.... to use them.)
8.  My health and strength. I may limp like "Eileen," and retain water...but  I'm still "swell!"  My
     teeth may be yellowing and resemble butter more than milk, and my knees I'm replacing, and my
     weight is on the rise, but then again, so are interest rates.  I'm still grateful.  My hair is thinning,
     but my waist is not, and you'd never know how many gray hairs I have thanks to shoe polish and
     magic markers, (hair dye) my boobs are sagging and looking more like the women featured in
     National Geographic, but I am understanding what they mean by gravitational pull.  Still, I
     am grateful to be alive.  I have grandkids that love me, and want to be around me, and my kids
     still think that I am the best cook ever, and even ask me for recipes.  What more could a mother
     ask for or what more could a girl want? (sometimes I wish for the fountain of youth, but if I did
     find it, and look back on what I would miss, I'd never wish to trade what I have now.)
9.  I can laugh and smile, and that the lines on my face don't droop, no matter how much skin is
     trying to pull them downward.
10. I have the strength to help others, and the eyes to be able to see their needs.

I could go on and on and mention so much more, but to just stop for a moment to be grateful for what we do have, and not focus on what we don't, will make all the difference in the world.  Oh and one thing I think I forgot to mention, is that I am thankful for a sense of humor, that has remained intact, or how could I deal with all my woes, and still come out smiling?

Enjoy life!  Stop and smell the roses, or smelly feet if you wish.  Look around, put on your glasses so you'll be able to see what is right in front of you. (Mine are coke bottle glasses... thick but I look so cute!)  Enjoy what you have, and be grateful!  Be happy!  Smile!  Thank the Lord!

I'm just thankful!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

If you want to be happy, give something away! (book trailer)

I am excited to share with you, a secret that has been passed on for years.  Do you want to be happy?  If so, read this darling Christmas book and find the secret that was told to Old Gentleman Gray, that helped him to get out of his sadness, and figure out what he needed to do to be happy.  He was a quick study and as a result, his entire village was happier, because of what he started.  Enjoy my darling video trailer that tells a tiny bit about my book.  This book will be available for sale in a week and a half, and the trailer tells where you can get it at.  Enjoy, and BE HAPPY!!!


Wednesday, October 23, 2013


I am so happy to announce my new book "If you want to be happy givesomething away."  I just received word from my publisher available for purchase in print in only three weeks.  It is a charming story, set on the eve of Christmas, in a little English Village. The main character is a cute little old English Gentleman, who is sad and lonely, and can't seem enjoy anything in life, let alone celebrating Christmas. Suddenly something happened that forever changed him, and in turn, had a huge effect on his entire village.

This Christmas book needs to be in every home this Christmas. It's not just a children's book, but a family book, with a message that everyone needs to understand and act upon.  My book the perfect gift to give to your own family, and to share. This story has become a treasured family tradition in my home, and I hope that it will be the same for you.

I am now officially taking pre-orders through email, and soon  my store will be up on  my website.
"If you want to be happy give something away," by Kathleen S. Gauger, is THE family  book for Christmas!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

If you want to be happy, be blessed with Heavens Very Special Child

Wow, I am actually writing two posts in one day.  I guess I am catching up for my lack over the past month.  A friend of mine asked me yesterday if I would design and format this beautiful poem that she was given many years ago when she gave birth to a Special Child.  It touched my heart and it brought tears to my eyes as well, because I too have been blessed with a special child, 2 special grandchildren, a special sister in law, and a special sister.  Who knew way back when we decided take the leap and to come to earth, what life would have in store for us.  We only knew that it wouldn't be a piece of cake, but we were given the tools to do whatever came our way. Sometimes it was harder than others, but God knew that we could do it, and so he sent his most special children into our lives and family.  I hope you enjoy this beautiful poem and if I knew where it originally came from, I would give them credit, however it does list the authors name on it.  I designed it for my friend in several different colors so she could pick which one she wanted to put up on her wall to match.  Enjoy and feel free to pass this along.


One of the very first posts that I did on this happy blog was a YouTube video of Jimmy Durante signing.  I don't know why I forgot about another song he sang, "SMILE," but I did.  Today I myself needed a smile. In this very imperfect world, thing are bound to happen to knock the wind out of your sails, and mine was today.  I have been frantically writing a second book because my first one that is with my publisher, is suppose to be out for Christmas, and they aren't even done with the image editing.  I fear my book that I have been so excited about releasing, and submitted a year and a half ago, will be waiting another whole year at this rate. So I started writing another book, about a month ago, and have been counting on some help from individuals who said they would help me and today they bombed out on me too.   Discouraged and frustrated, I decided rather than let these big upsets in my life get me down, I would just keep my faith, and hope and try to keep smiling.  

Today, I finished some more illustration for my book, and went out and visited someone who really needed a lift.  She needed a smile, a hug and the visit I made, and in turn, I returned home happy filled with good feelings because I did something for someone else.  I forgot about my challenges and focused on somebody else.  It is so interesting that when you do that, you become happy yourself.  My eyes still feel tired from crying, and my nose is still stuffy, but my heart is filled with joy, knowing the efforts I made for someone else made them happy, and loved.

The icing on my cake was out of the blue, and I have no idea really how I found this video to the song Smile, because I was looking for "How to create your eBook template, but there it was.  This song was written for me today, though came out many years ago.  Hope you enjoy it and that it makes you smile too.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

If you want to be happy, then give something away.....

I am taking my own advice, because just like everyone else, I want to be happy too, so I am giving something away!  I have been designing some bookmark templates to go with my new Illustrated Children's book that I will be announcing very soon, but just not yet.  I don't have the illustrations in my impatient hands, (that's why I am not very happy) so I decided to create something fun for you to give away for Halloween. I plan to laminate these cute and spooky bookmarks, and attach a tootsie roll, or smarties or mini chocolate bar to the back of these, and give them away for Halloween.  This would be a great idea for Teachers or all different Genre's to give a little something to their students.  Kids need bookmarks for their music books, study books, and reading books too.  Let me know how you have used this free printable by commenting on this page.  I want to be happy, so I am giving this away! (These print on 8.5 x 11 paper, but I would use card stock or photo paper because it is heavier.  ENJOY!!!!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Don't let a little rain dampen your spirits!

How many times have you let things stand in the way of your happiness.  Sometimes they are as small , little hurts like cross words, or a harsh look. Does this remind you of you?  If you want to be happy, you must rid yourself of those raindrops sogging you down, in order see the beautiful rainbows.  So many people that we all know, have harbored and actually fed hurt feelings, preventing them from being happy.  They brood, and relish in their own hurt so long that it becomes what defines them, and little do they know how much they miss out on.   

A word from the wise....Everyone has raindrops that fall and dampen their spirits from time to time, and that is normal, but if you don't develop the ability to let them go, you will never be able to enjoy this beautiful life... or see all the lovely rainbows that appear right before your eyes.

Go ahead,  let  go and and be happy!  I dare you!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

SMILE BIG!!! Enjoy this adorable and very happy song!!!

If you can't listen to this song and come out with a big smile on your face, and feeling happy, I don't know what else will do if for you. Sit back and enjoy this upbeat and happy song. Love it, Love it, Love it!!!

Put on a Happy Face!

Oh how the lyrics of this song can change a sad face to a happy one.  Here is the video clip for you to enjoy and you can follow along the lyrics below.  No... go put on a Happy Face!

Gray skies are gonna clear up,
Put on a happy face;
Brush off the clouds and cheer up,
Put on a happy face.

Take off the gloomy mask of tragedy,
It's not your style;
You'll look so good that you'll be glad
Ya' decide to smile!

Pick out a pleasant outlook,
Stick out that noble chin;
Wipe off that "full of doubt" look,
Slap on a happy grin!

And spread sunshine all over the place,
Just put on a happy face!
Put on a happy face
Put on a happy face

And if you're feeling cross and bitterish
Don't sit and whine
Think of banana split and licorice
And you'll feel fine

I knew a girl so gloomy
She'd never laugh or sing
She wouldn't listen to me
Now she's a mean old thing

So spread sunshine all over the place
Just put on a happy face
So, put on a happy face

Saturday, August 31, 2013


A young woman sat down with me for lunch and we had a very long chat.  I didn’t know her as well as I should have, but after our chat, I knew everything that I needed to know.  She always smiled, laughed and I couldn’t figure out how she could be so happy in life when she had every reason to be miserable.  Her life was filled with one horrible experience after the other.  On all accounts, most people would think her life tragic.  I wanted to cry for her, and did as she told me the true stories that I don’t think I could have lived through myself.  When I asked her how she could be so happy and optimistic after living through one tragedy after the other, she told me that it simply wasn’t worth the hurt  and the energy to hold on to bad memories. 

 At a very young age, this young woman learned to forgive.  She told me that she doesn’t wait, stew, brood, and be miserable about the constant barrage and continuous flow of bad events that never seem find her at every turn, because she is determined to be happy in spite of them.  She believes that these events won’t ever cease, explaining about the little grey cloud that follows her wherever she goes.  She laughs and says she was born with it and like her shadow, will never stop following her.   She found that by forgiving others of their offenses, is the umbrella (metaphorically speaking) that prevents the rain from keeping her soggy wet. She knows it’s just a matter of time before she’ll get dumped on again, but understands that nobody is immune and it is just a matter of how we determine we will meet the challenges of life.  Forgiving others is what keeps her happy.
After this conversation, I took a very long look at myself and realized that I had been holding on to things way too long.  I realized that holding on to the bad memories and experiences in my own life, and never letting go was like a second nature to me, you know, kind of like a mole on your neck that you didn’t ever dare to have removed.  That evening, I took a long look into my 3 x zoom mirror and noticed how that mole had grown over the years.  It used to be so small that I just ignored it, but over the years it had grown into what looked more like a melanoma, a humongous protuberance that had to be removed.  I knew I needed to set an appointment with the Dermatologist to take care of it once and for all.

What a refreshing feeling it is to get rid of old baggage, and to be able to smile without regrets; and I had to learn it from someone half my age.  I wonder for you who are reading this story,  just how long you have held on to your excess baggage and how much longer will it take for you to be able to forgive, move on and be happy?  Lighten your load, forgive others, and be happy once more.
Please enjoy this little clipable printable to clip and post wherever you need to see it to remind yourself of your new attitude of forgiveness.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


How many times have you thought about things that you like and don't like about yourself?  Just how critical are you about the way you look, your hair, the shape of your body, your personality or so many other things?  When we constantly criticize and scrutinize ourselves, how can we ever really like who we are or expect others to feel the same?  I love, love, love the story about Thomas Moore, who was a famous 19th century Irish poet.  I want to share this wonderful story with you.  The story goes like this:

Thomas was called away on a business trip.  Upon his return he was met at the door not by his beautiful bride, but by the family doctor.

"Your wife is upstairs," said that doctor.  "But she has asked that you do not come up."
And then Moor learned the terrible truth:  his wife had contracted smallpox.  The disease had left her once flawless, lovely skin, pocked and terribly scarred.  She had taken one look at her disfigured reflection in the mirror and commanded that the shutters be drawn and that her husband never see her again.  Moore would not listen.  He ran upstairs and threw open the door of his wife's room.  It was black as night inside.  Not a sound came from the darkness.  Groping along the wall, Moore felt for the gas jet to turn on the lamps. 

A startled cry came from a black corner of the room.  "No! don't light the lamps!"

Moore hesitated, swayed by the pleading voice of his wife.  "Go!" she begged.  "Please go! This is the greatest gift I can give you now."

Moore did not go.  He went down to his study, where he sat up most of the night, prayerfully writing.  Not a poem this time, but a song.  He had never written a song before, but now he found it more natural to his mood than poetry.  He not only wrote the words, he wrote the music too.  And the next morning, as soon as the sun was up, he returned to his grieving wife's room.

The room had the shutters drawn and it was dark as night.  He felt his way to a chair and sat down.

"Are you awake?" he asked.

"I am," came a voice from the far side of the room.  "But you must not ask to see me.  You must not press me , Thomas."

I will sing to you, then," he answered.  And so for the first time, Thomas Moore sang to his wife the song that still lives today. Press the play button and enjoy the words so beautifully sung on the video as you read them below the video box:

"Believe me, if all those endearing young charms,
Which I gaze on so fondly today,
Were to change by tomorrow and flee in my arms,
Like fairy gifts fading away,
Though wouldst still be adored, as this moment though art--
Let thy loveliness fade as it will,
And around the dear ruin each wish of my heart
Would entwine itself verdantly still."
The song ended.  As his voice trailed off on the last note, Moore heard his bride rise.  She crossed the room to the window, reached up and slowly drew open the shutters.

Learning to love ourselves, even with our all of our faults and flaws, is essential to our own happiness.  We tend to express our displeasure about ourselves on others, like Thomas Moore's wife, believing that her husband could only love the lovely bride she once was, and could never love the pock marked and scarred woman she had become.  True love looks past that.
There is loveliness and goodness in all of us, that is lovable in spite of the flaws we all possess.  We need to get past those, and go on living our lives, which in turn causes others to see past our flaws and pock marks to the true beauty we hold inside.  I hope that this story will help those of you who do not love yourself, or even like yourself to look at yourself in a different way.  You are the only one who can truly control what you think of yourself.  Look past your differences and love yourself and be happy!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Happiness is a state of mind and nobody could better teach us this than Eeyore, the cute little donkey with the tail that keeps falling off, from Winnie the Pooh.  HE can teach us a lot about the ups and downs in our lives.   Don't you just love the messages taught in these wonderful stories.  Read between the lines and you will learn a lot.  Speaking about Winnie the Pooh you can read between the lines in this little video below, because in our own life, there are never enough honey pots to satisfy our wants and needs.   People are never satisfied and always seem to want more.   From this, we must learn to be grateful for what we have, and enjoy like Winnie the Pooh, very smithereen, until our pots are emptied and we need to find some more honey to fill them.  Watch this video to the very end and you will see what I mean.

Youtube Video:  "It's not much of a tail but I'm attached to it." 
Yesterday, I had a conversation with a woman, who is so lovely and sweet but she made an interesting comment about herself.  She said, " I have the ugliest butt, always have had it and always will. I will never be happy with it, but it is what I have been given and I won't get another, so I guess that my ugly butt is something I have to deal with.  I'll just have to get use to it and be grateful that I have other qualities I like better."
"Eeyore's Secrets of Happiness - The Tao of Pooh" 
(Click on this title link above to take you to the next video.)

Sometimes we can’t find our happy place alone, and that's where friends  come in, who can help us to lift ourselves from their own experiences. Sometimes we are  sad, and need someone to help cheer us up!   Each friend is unique and has different suggestions and advice to offer us, like the friends of Eeyore.  The following are the things, each friend of Eeyore felt like would help him to be happy. Here is the setting:  Eeyore was sitting up on top of a mountain with rain clouds hovering overhead, and looking pretty sad.

Piglet:  “If I were a very sad animal, I’d want somebody to cheer me up!"
Tigger:  “Roo and me will teach him how to bounce.” 
Roo: “Don’t worry Eeyore, bouncing will make you happy!” 
Tigger:  “Yeah, and you’ll be twice as happy, because you have twice as many legs to bounce with. 
(Tigger and Roo’s best attempts to teach Eeyore how to add bounce to his step, doesn’t work, because what is good for them, isn’t always good for others.  Sometimes friends best intentions to help us, will not always work out,  because everyone is different, but how lovely is it to know that at last friends care enough to try to help.  That message alone should make us happier.)

Rabitt:  "Gardening is the only true happiness!  Happiness is seeing the benefits of good hard work. Watching the things you’ve planted with your own hands, springing up-- fresh and green.  And then, harvesting them.”   (What we can learn from Rabbit is that developing talents, hobbies, and passions, and using them in constructive ways, can give us great joy, especially when we get to reap the harvest, seeing and enjoying what our little hands have created. Sometimes just being out in the little garden that we've created for ourselves, nurturing the seedlings and watching the plants grow, makes us happy.)
Owl:  "Flying.. soring the light fantastic, sailing high over the hill."  (Owl ties balloons to Eeyore so he can share with him how much fun it is to fly.)
Owl:  "This is more fun than sitting on your old mountain top."  (Owl gets Eeyore up in the sky and then proceeds to pop the balloons.) 
Eeyore:  Why'd you do that? 
Owl:  Because it's time for your solo.  How I remembered my first flight, soring on high, the wind in my feathers... the whole world opening up before me.
(Friends can jump in and do their best to help us to be happy and try to lift our spirits, but we should not become dependent on others to create happiness for us.  It's like learning how to fly, once we are finally lifted up, we need to be able to do it on our own, and as owl says, "Take our own first flight, and letting the whole world open up before him.")
Pooh:  The way to stay the happiest, is to let your tongue lickle, and keep your tummy tickled. (There is one thing that Friends can do for us that really does make a difference and it is something that anyone can do.  Friends can lift spirits by taking us out to lunch, or when we are really down, friends bring in meals.  Sometimes just not having to prepare a meal for ourselves really gives us a lift.  Friends can do that for us.   Pooh fed his friend, and didn't stop until his tummy was full or in his words, "keep your tummy tickled."  )
Eeyore:  Go ahead, I'm ready ... cheer me up.
Piglet:  Oh Eeyore, I'd love to, I'm supposed to, but I guess I'm really here to apologize.  you are always sitting up here so sad, and everyone did such a good job of cheering you up, and I had no way to make you happy.
Eeyore:  "So that's what this is all about.  I'm grateful to you all, even if you almost killed me.  But I don't come up here because I'm sad, I come up here because I'm happy.  Let me show you something, because you are a good friend.  Now watch that cloud. (Piglet watches the clouds look so pretty, when the sunshine comes shining through a break in the dark clouds.) Eeyore turns things around and invites his friends to join him to see why he likes being up on the mountain.
Piglet:  "Thank you for sharing this Eeyore, it's made everyone so happy."
Eeyore: " Just returning the favor."

When our friends rally around us at our most difficult times in life, like Eeyore who was grateful for his friends attempts in trying to cheer him up, he too was able to return the favor and make them happy too, by sharing something with them that is special to him.  Piglet simply could not think of a way to cheer him up and did nothing, later feeling the need to apologize for it.  There is no need to apologize for lack of knowing what to do, or how to act when a friend is in need.  Spending time with that friend might be the very best medicine, you know... lending a listening ear, and being there when a friend is in need.  

I hope you saw all the applications that I found in this darling video and use them to be the friend of an Eeyore in your life.